Tribute to Monet # 14 Oil on canvas panel

This serene water painting is an Oil painting done on a canvas panel. The size is 24 by 30 and can be purchased for only $400.00. As it’s on a panel it can easily be mailed directly to your home ( continental US) for $5.50 USD.

This painting is part of my ” Tribute to Monet” series, it’s slightly more grayed down than many of my usual more colorful water paintings. I think the warm yellows are set off very nicely by the grayed down blue of the water.

Hot summer days in my studio

I thought I would take a photo of my studio since its half way cleaned up… I’m working on my geisha series. Doing my research of course and that includes hiring models to wear the kimono and make up for my reference photos. I’ve purchase 2 kimono and a obi, also you can also see the Geisha wig on top of the book shelf. Another thing I’m working on is Yupo paper…
Since we (me and 14 other artists…(please sign up now, I need more people) are going to Wild Acres in September and the class instructor will be teaching figures on yupo, I thought I would show Leagh Anne ( my apprentice) how the stuff works. Check it out, its September 25, 26, and 27th. The Charlotte Art league is the sponsor. ( ). I’ve just finished the dog painting “bad hair day” its in front… its 18 by 24 Gallery wrap.
Then I have a larger painting, A koi painting from the Koi series, its on top of the flat fine, It needs some more glazing and it will be completed… its an Oil painting.

On my small table easel is the yupo painting, its far from being finished but it is what it is, a painting in the early stages.
Then the top photo is the view at mid day of my Koi pond out the large sliding glass window…

I’ll post the paintings when I finish them, thanks for stopping by and take a look at the Art league’s site.

Koi Radiance ll

48 by 48″ oil on canvas, $1800.00 usd email before purchasing with pay pal… for shipping details.

I love this painting the way the fish are all swimming in and out of the frame. I worked on my own Koi pond today because it was pretty warm and I thought they needed a little cool water. When the days get warm very quickly the algae will really bloom, so I decided to vacuumed a section of the pond and added some aeration. Koi need more air when their stressed. I also added some pond salt, this helps provide them with a bit of a slime coat which is good protection for their skin.

Lake Wylie Memories, a water painting by Shanti Marie

lake paintings

8″ by 10″ oil on wood. $ 75.00

This is still a bit wet so you can see a little gloss of reflective light hitting the left side of the painting. This will dry back tomorrow and will look great.  I stayed up till 2 am last night getting things done and today had planned on painting my larger painting which is a work in progress …( but as life is always getting in the way of my painting, I was surprised by my husband Art who brought home an aquarium and 20 tiny tiny  tropical fish. I spend the afternoon setting it up.  Ithoughtly  enjoyedwatching the fish get aquinted in their new home.

I’ll photograph it for you tomorrw, the fish are kinda hiding at the moment.

Running River 2 – An oil landscape by Shanti Marie

8 by 10 75.00   oil on wood panel.

This is the same painting from yesterday but since it was so shiny and had so much glare on it I didn’t feel the photo did it justice.    This is a more realistic photo.    

I enjoy painting water because it has so much movement and just like most of my paintings I exaggerate the color and make it a bit more lively.