Winter Snow Flakes

Winter Snow flakesThis is a very light snow scene.   9 by 11 on watercolor paper $50.00 I used salt ( sea salt) for the flakes. You’ll find in the last year in a half that I ‘ve been painting and posting daily and I ‘ve seldom used salt. It isn’t that I have anything against salt, but I just seldom use it. I usually just use water if I want the look of salt. Today I was asked about salt and how it works with watercolor so I thought I would explain it. The salt technique is all about timing.  I lay down a light wash of blue gray color for the sky… then… I put in the green/brown trees wet into wet right into the blue sky so that it will give the appearance that the trees are off in the distance and that they are a little blurry. Before the paper as lost its shine I sprinkle in the salt. You have to just put a pinch of salt other wise you will end up with a blizzard. At first it looks like it isn’t working, be patient after the background dries you will see where the salt soaked up the color leaving the white of the paper and because it is a natural substance it has a natural sharp. It will look like falling snow. Paint the foreground after the background has dried and add a little warm color somewhere to help the painting be more inviting and not so cold. Dust off the salt and Your done!Oh yes… You can use various types of salt to get different sizes of flakes.Now:   you should know there are a whole bunch of archival fanatics that claim salt will cause the paper to fall apart over time and  they do not allow their students the use of salt.    I usually stay away from it for this reason but also because water sprayed onto the surface will also give you an effect very much like salt without the controversy.  Try using various spray bottles to find just the right size of droplet.  A chloresceptic bottle has a great sprayer also the old  windex pump bottle  that used to be popular in the 70’s has a nice fine mist.   

“Fresh Snow” a watercolor winter landscape

Fresh Snow 2008 

75.00 8.0 by 11 inches watercolor on paper.This painting is basically the one from two days ago revisited. This is one of the good things about painting everyday.  Sometimes as an artist you will want to paint a painting again but of course change a few things and this is the case with this painting and the original..”snow hare”.  I obviously didn’t put in the hare and I feel the snow hare painting is beautiful but I wanted to paint one featuring birch trees and just the quiet of the woods.  So this is my answer to that muse who keeps telling me what to paint.  She says don’t tell them everything…. allow the painting to speak for itself. 

“Snow and Ice” a winter landscape 4″ by 6″ $20.00

snow and Ice Special of the week!I try to post everyday by 7 p m and the only way I did it today was to paint a small painting. This is a 4 by 6 inch painting and is the special of the week. $20.00 plus 5.50 postage. go to on Thursday and you can buy it with a credit card or paypal. You’ll have to contact me by email if you want to send a check, and that works too. Tomorrow is Art’s ( my husband) birthday and he is going to the Dr.. to try and get a release to go back to work. The Dr.s want him to take a few more months to rehab and get his strength back.  He lost a lot of weight and has just now started to put it back on.  He still has some pain but he feels its manageable.   He doesn’t want to go on permanent disability and he wants to go back to work soon.  It has been seven months and I think at work they will let him ease his way back into his duties.   He has been weaning himself from his meds and by Feb 4th we’re hoping he will be pain free. I will miss him around here all day.. but I will also be glad to have our old life back.

“Snow Hare” watercolor on paper

Snow bunny
This is a traditional watercolor on paper. I love to paint snow because you actually don’t paint the snow but everything around it. I’ll paint some winter scenes for a few days because the temperature dropped here and finally winter has arrived. The rocks are painted with a palette knife.

My snow is painted with cobalt blue and burnt sienna. Sepia for the dark rocks and ultramarine blue for the darker blue in the tree line. Thats it… mainly four colors. These colors make a beautiful snow painting.

Snow days revisited


6 by 9 inchesSOLD

Here are two versions of the same painting. I painted a snow painting and later decided it needed to be warmer and have a bit more drama so I repainted it. you decide which you like.

Only the painting with the bird is still available. $40,00 Snow Days  plus 5.50 S& h

A long Winter


Size:6 by 5.5 inches Price is $40.00 plus s&h

This is a watercolor-painting on 300 lb 100%, handmade rag paper. I painted using a few colors I don’t usually use in a winter snow scene. The cerulean blue is one I usually save for summer paintings or ocean paintings. But I like to try different combinations. I also mixed the blue with a bit of red to make the lavenderish roof and background.

I had a friend request this painting. Actually she requested something she won’t like…. so here it is, a landscape without people or animals.